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Namman Muay Thaise Creme - 30 gram


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Namman Muay started as an ointment to help boxers fight longer. Now thousands of everyday people use it to live a carefree life, recover faster after physical exertion and loosen squeaky joints.


Namman Muay Thai Creme

The Quick Relief Thai Cream for discomfort and joint stiffness

What is Namman Muay®?
Invented almost 100 years ago, Namman Muay is one of Thailand's best-kept secrets. Translated from Thai; "Namman" means ointment and "Muay" means boxing, so "Namman Muay" means boxing ointment. It started as an ointment to help boxers fight longer, but now thousands of everyday Europeans use it to live a carefree life. This special formula dates back to 1937 and was created by an herbalist, Thongtos Intratat. His goal in life was to help people use herbs and he believed that there is a plant for every problem. Therefore, he experimented and looked for a formula that would help people live a carefree life, recover faster after physical exertion and loosen squeaky joints.

The first to try his formula in 1930 were his infamous Thai Boxers. But today, thousands of ordinary people like you use it daily. We all spend years doing repetitive movements at work, we sit in bad posture for hours at a time and cause stress on our bodies with intense workouts ... all this causes permanent damage to the body. Our life is a constant struggle until one day we wake up and feel like we have just finished a boxing match. We are all boxers in one way or another. The older we get, the more damage our bodies accumulate. And that's why Intratat developed its unique recipe with 3 key ingredients found in plants. With this formula, you can DRAMATICALLY reduce any kind of discomfort, loosen stiff joints and soothe tense muscles. No one believed this could really help anyone.... Now thousands of Europeans use it daily.

How it works
Intratat's original 1937 formula contained 3 key ingredients found in herbs. All of them have a very special history. Thongthos spent years perfecting his formula before discovering the quantities he needed to use to provide long-term and lasting relief. Just look at the powerful substances used in Namman Muay Cream.

The first ingredient is Eugenol.
It is a pale yellow, aromatic oily liquid that functions as a natural anaesthetic and a topical antiseptic. It can be extracted from certain essential oils such as clove oil, nutmeg, cinnamon, basil and bay leaf. But the incredible thing is that the ancient Romans and Chinese have been using cloves (which contain a large amount of Eugenol) to treat discomfort and inflammation for centuries. You can find reports of it as early as 226 BC!

The second amazing ingredient is wintergreen oil.
It is made by fermenting the leaves of a special aromatic plant called Gaultheria fragrantissima, which is native to Asia. This oil has long been used by professional athletes for its calming and anti-inflammatory properties. A 2010 study of adults with muscle tension found that the oil provided a significant amount of discomfort relief compared to the placebo patch. It has even been found to provide relief from muscle or joint discomfort due to sprains, strains, bruises and back pain.

The third key ingredient is menthol.
But don't be fooled - everyday menthol is an amazing compound and one of the main active ingredients in most traditional cooling rub-in products used by athletes and the elderly alike. What is interesting is that it does not actually change the temperature of the skin; it creates a cooling sensation by attaching itself to a particular neuronal receptor. So unlike the other two compounds, it does not really "remove discomfort", but it "maximises" neurons and causes desensitisation to discomfort. Essentially, it provides a pleasant distraction from discomfort or other irritations. Which means it works hand-in-hand with wintergreen oil and eugenol to increase their potency.

Brand Namman Muay
Sports Krav Maga,Boxing,BJJ,Fitness,Grappling,Kickboxing,MMA
Section Mens,Womens,Kids,Unisex
SKU 8858467000116